BAND is looking for volunteers to work at the hospital and in the community with people who live with mental health conditions.
We aim to provide an inclusive, stimulating, friendly and supportive environment.
We recognise that volunteering must benefit the individual as well as the charity and we aim to build mutually beneficial relationships with our volunteers.
We strive to be representative of our wider society and welcome volunteer applications by people from different backgrounds, cultures and genders.
Who is a volunteer? | Why volunteer? |
Why I Volunteer at BAND | What do you like about being a volunteer? | What have you learned? |
I volunteer at BAND because the people are friendly and if I stay at home I would feel depreessed and get so ill that I might have to go back to hospital. Working at BAND gives me more confidence and I feel valued by all the staff. I have someone to talk to if I have a problem I can talk about it. | We facilitate two football teams for adults with mental health problems. We train weekly and compete in a North West mental health football leauge and also play one-off tournaments at football and other sports. Football is my hobby and I meet new people like minded. I am now treasurer for the football team. | I have learned that I can be responsible and reliable. I have learned admin skills, how to set up workshops, how to meet deadlines of tasks and how to respond positively to difficult situations.
Habib is a valued volunteer at BAND and he brings his skills and enthusiasm to many of the BAND projects. |